The Peace Calendar Vol.1 No.0
The Peace Calendar Vol.1 No.1
The Peace Calendar Vol.1 No.2
The Peace Calendar Vol.1 No.3
The Peace Calendar Vol.1 No.4
The Peace Calendar Vol.1 No.5
The Peace Calendar Vol.1 No.6
The Peace Calendar Vol.1 No.7
The Peace Calendar Vol.1 No.8
The Peace Calendar Vol.1 No.9
The Peace Calendar Vol.1 No.10
The Peace Calendar Vol.1 No.11
The Peace Calendar Vol.2 No.1
The Peace Calendar Vol.2 No.2
The Peace Calendar Vol.2 No.3
The Peace Calendar Vol.2 No.4
The Peace Calendar Vol.2 No.5
The Peace Calendar Vol.2 No.6
The Peace Calendar Vol.2 No.7
The Peace Calendar Vol.2 No.8
The Peace Calendar Vol.2 No.9
The Peace Calendar Vol.2 No.10
The Peace Calendar Vol.2 No.11
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TOR0NTO — In Toronto, International Women’s Day will be celebrated on Saturday March 10, with a rally and demonstration at Convocation Hall beginning at 11 am. The three themes for this year are Choice, Jobs and Peace.
Peace groups are encouraged to attend the rally and demonstration with their own chants and banners. They can also set up tables at the fair that will be held at Jarvis Collegiate immediately following the march . (Call Kathy Jones at xxx-xxxx for a table). In addition, both male and female peace activists are invited to attend a public forum entitled “Women’s Perspectives on War and Imperialism”, to be held on Tuesday, March 6, at 7:30 pm., in Trinity Church, 427 Bloor W.
Toronto peace groups are also invited to pick up and distribute IWD leaflets, which are available from the Toronto Disarmament Network office at 736 Bathurst St.